The Beliefs of The Circle

The philosophy of the cult is pseudo-scientific. The Circle is a group based on self improvement, and the idea of each person achieving their best self. The members of The Circle don’t hold any particular faith besides the goal of becoming The Choir. They subscribe to the idea that if every person on earth achieves their best self, then there will be a radical shift, and the entire world will be at peace. The Choir is seen as the kickstart to this change.

The practices of the group are based on ideals of confronting and breaking down one’s own boundaries to conquer one’s limitations and inhibitions. They call this letting go of the ego or being in harmony. Submission to the group ideals and the ability to push others to help them progress towards their potential is highly valued.

This results in a group where people’s boundaries, personalities and relationships are erased and devalued. The more a member lets go of their own desires or boundaries, the more they are considered to be “open”, “authentic” or “in high vibration”. The members all consider their mission too important to fail, and so have no boundaries in relation to what they will do to others to achieve it. During the larp, this will be expressed as increasingly demeaning, brutal and transgressive practices that the players will enact with each other. 

The ideals of the group are queer, collectivist and preferenceless in regards to relationships and sexuality. Having personal preferences (whether they be sexual, gender based or relationship wise) is viewed as shameful and problematic in regards to one’s personal growth potential. Having any private or close relationship is completely banned. This would be seen as being “in ego”, “out of harmony” or “in low vibration”. Much of the play will center around this dilemma. 

Sex is seen as a means of achieving a higher state by submitting to others and being totally open. Refusing sex or denying someone, is seen as the refusal to be in harmony, and very bad. Note that during the larp, there will be mechanisms for players to opt out of any interaction they do not want to participate in.

Within The Circle, children are seen as an impediment for a person’s development, and members are not allowed to have children. If someone falls pregnant, the group will pay for their abortion. 

The Circlers use music analogies to express their beliefs, and employ terms like vibration, harmony or The Choir. Making music and singing together is very popular. During the larp, your musical ability will not be a factor, as we will rehearse the group’s song in advance. Any players with musical abilities are most welcome to employ them during the larp.