The Groups

The Circle is divided into five chapter houses. During the larp, you will all be part of one of these houses. Each chapter is led by a member of the Inner Circle. 

The Inner Circle: These are the people closest to the leader, most of them have been members of The Circle from the start, and are privy to the inner workings of the group. They lead the other five chapter houses and feel responsible for their group doing their best. The differences between the chapter houses reflect the inner circle’s disagreements on which methods best exemplify The Maestro’s teachings. They all know each other intimately. Members of The Inner Circle have often been recruited through The Maestro’s first classes on self development or through personal encounters with The Maestro.

Note: Players who sign up for these roles, will be expected to take on some degree of responsibility for the play of the players in their chapter house, and for leading some group activities. You will not be responsible for other players’ experience or safety, but merely for distributing play.

The Homesteaders: The people who stayed near the first established home of The Circle. They have dedicated their life to The Circle full time, and live together at The Homestead. They value a new-age type approach to the best self, and make use of chanting, energy work and public penance as discipline. Members of The Homesteaders know that no sacrifice is too big for The Maestro. It is at The Homestead that The Maestro’s teachings on free love without attachement originated. Members of this chapter have often been recruited through wellness classes, spiritual retreats or self development classes.

The Avantgarde: A satellite chapter house that has lived somewhat isolated.The Avantgarde consists mostly of young people that joined The Circle, in part because they liked the message about free sex. The chapter believes that a hedonistic approach to life is a gateway to the best self. The members of this chapter make use of methods such as sexual acts, physical submission work and hot chair exercies. Members of this chapter have often been recruited through friends, the alternative art scene or free self-help classes.

The Prestige: The people from a group living in an affluent area, with the expressed goal of recruiting wealthy and famous people to The Circle. They are firmly fixed on the goal of changing the world by recruiting as many people as possible, and making sure that only the right people join. They are very enthusiastic about methods like one-on-one sessions and maintaining a polished and confident image at all times. Members of this chapter have often been recruited through success programs, free coaching or via friends.

The Clean Living: Based on a mission of getting into a lifestyle that supports personal development, the group focuses on healthy eating, exercise, yoga, and a holistic, alternative approach to medicine. The group has a very strict regime of activities, and value absolute self control as the way to the best self. They often make use of Hot Chair exercises for this purpose. Members of this chapter have often been recruited through yoga or exercise classes or wellness retreats.

The Healed: This chapter consists of networks of people, who have come into contact with the group through self help focused on dealing with heavy trauma or substance abuse. They are very committed to the group, but may not understand the teachings totally. This chapter is convinced that their sobriety and even lives depend on The Maestro’s teachings, and often long to meet him. They make use of methods such as Hot Chair exercises and physical violence to achieve their best selves. Members of this chapter have often been recruited through free programs for substance abusers or trauma groups.