The Larp

The larp takes place in the present day in an unspecified part of the USA. The players will portray members of a high control group called The Circle, that defines itself as a self-development organization. The larp takes place during a retreat called The Pinnacle, and is played in real time.

As a player you will play out a number of grueling trials and tests within the cult’s framework, during a monumental event, that will shape the future of the cult and the members attending.

All players portray members of The Circle, or Circlers, whose mission it is to create a better world, by guiding everyone to achieve their full potential or “best self”. By achieving this state, everyone will exist only for the good of others and relinquish selfish desires. This, the group believes, will end all conflicts and bring about ultimate peace and prosperity.

The Circle is a personality cult, lead by The Maestro, who has been away from the circlers for some time, at the time of The Pinnacle. The group is organized in chapter houses, each led by a member of The Inner Circle, The Circle’s most senior members, are those closest to The Maestro. 

The Maestro has called all the oldest members; The Inner Circle, to each choose candidates from within their chapter house, to bring to The Pinnacle. 

The Pinnacle will be the final test, before the most worthy are chosen to go to the group’s paradise on earth; The Compound. Here The Maestro awaits them, and together they will usher in a paradise on earth as an elite unit called The Choir. 

In order to be deemed worthy, all Circlers who attend The Pinnacle must achieve the state of best self. For this to happen, they must be free of all negative behavioral patterns and all unhealthy attachments. They do not know what exactly will happen, but they expect some type of trials and workshops. Some suspect that some chapter houses may be deemed less worthy than others, and some Inner Circle members might actually work towards that.

Each chapter house has a different take on the best way to achieve your best self, but this is taboo to talk too much about, since the goal of all circlers is to be “in harmony” with each other. 

The Pinnacle will be a time for getting in harmony with others and achieving your best self. A time for drastic decisions and brutal self evaluation.