The Methods of The Circle

The Circle makes use of different methods to help people achieve their best self. The more benign are things like sharing circles, singing and jamming together or giving your time and energy to the group. The ideology of The Circle dictates that all members may submit any other member to any practice that might help them, no matter their levels. 

But the group also employs more transgressive methods for bringing people into harmony. This can be things like Hot Chair, where one member sits surrounded by other members, while they berate them in order to make them realize their faults or limitations. 

It can be forced sex between any number of people, and even sexual violence, to open a person up and teaching them to submit to others. It can also be physical violence in order to break someone from their ego. 

There are also one-on-one conversations, where one Circler might try to help another confront a limitation or trauma.These sessions vary between caring conversations and a harsh forceful demands on one of the members to be more open. 

The Circle often has rituals, where a chapter house gathers together to make sure the group is in harmony and these are opportunities to call out those not in harmony and promote or demote people in terms of levels.

All methodologies we use during the larp are taken from real life high control groups, and can therefore feel extremely transgressive. We will work to make sure everyone feels safe during the larp by establishing clear alibis through characters and by practicing everything at the workshop. It is ALWAYS possible to opt out of any play that you do not feel comfortable with, and we will practice this before the larp as well.